
"The physician as a public intellectual," in Ideas and Practices in the Modern Middle East, a conference in honour of Prof. Israel Gershoni, December 23, 2015.

"Struggles to Change Women's Status in the Middle East: The Moroccan Case," in Palestinian Women and Personal Status in Israel: Twenty Years of Struggle, an International Women's Day conference, March 9, 2015.

"The Struggle against Regulated Prostitution in the Middle East: Between Colonial Feminism and Local Feminism," a book event, honouring Dafna Hirsch's book 'We came here to bring the West", January 21, 2015.

Book Event, A Global Middle East, December 8, 2014, with Prof. Ronit Ricci, Dr. On Barak and Dr. Relli Shechter.

"The League of Nations' Advisory Committee on Traffic in Women and the Definition of Traffic Victims in the Interwar Period," On Choice and Power: A Critical Discussion of the Sex Industry in Israel, March 6, 2013.