
Liat Kozma. 2012. Women’s Access To Legal Knowledge : The Case Of Palestinian Women’s Ngo In Israel. In Women And Knowledge In The Mediterranean, Fatima Sadiqi. London: Routledge.
Liat Kozma. 2010. Black,Kinless And Hungry : Manumitted Female Slaves In Khedival Egypt. In Race And Slavery In The Middle East: Histories Of Trans-Saharan Africans In 19Th Century Egypt, Sudan And Ottoman Mediterranean, Kenneth Cuno And Terrance Watz. Cairo: Cairo Press.
Liat Kozma. 2010. Exactly The Same Sex : Sexual Consultation Centers In 1930S (In Hebrew). Teoryia U-Bikoret, 37, Pp. 99-124.
Liat Kozma. 2010. Girls, Labor And Sex In Pre-Colonial Egypt, 1850-1882. In Girlhood: A Global History, Jennifer Hillman Helgren And Colleen A.Vasconcellos, Pp. 344-362. New Brunswick,NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Liat Kozma. 2010. Sexual Reform Makes Aliyah: Sexual Consultation In The Yishuv,1930-1939. International Journal Of Middle Eastern Studies, 42, Pp. 231-249.
Liat Kozma. 2010. The Silence Of The Pregnant Brid: Non-Marital Sex In Middle Eastern Societies. In Untold Histories Of The Middle East: Recovering Voices From The 19Th And 20Th Centuries, Amy Singer, Christoph K.Neumann and S.Aksin sOMEL, Pp. 71-88. London: Routledge.
Liat Kozma. 2004. Negotiating Virginity: Narratives Of Defloration From Late Nineteenth-Crntury Egypt. Comparative Studies Of South Asia, Africa And The Middle East, 24, 1, Pp. 57-67.
Liat Kozma. 2003. Moroccan Woman’s Narratives Of Liberation : A Passive Revolution?. Journal Of North Africa Studies, 8, 1, Pp. 112-130.
Liat Kozma. 2003. Woman Write History: Feminism And Social Change In Morocco (In Hebrew). Tel-Aviv: The Dayan Center.